March 24, 2010 | |

Jaagine Joun To: Narasainyo- Play Review

Utkarsh Mazumdar, master singer and fine actor, has spent 37 years in English, Hindi and Gujarati theatre, yet consideres the portrayal of 15th century saint-poet Narsinh Mehta a formidable task. Narsinh Mehta remains an immortal icon in Gujarat’s literary tradition for his exceptional word music and social vision. One of his most popular songs is Vaisnav jan to, a favourite of Mahatma Gandhi’s. “The idea of performing Narsinh Mehta emanated 10 years ago. He was a poet, composer, singer, performer. His instructions were based on love and humanism. His love for God didn’t deter him from loving humans. Inspite of recurring personal upheavals, and the constant harrassment meted to him by his caste members, state and the society, he withstood it all... Read More.

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